Coaching Testimonials

Hear what our clients have to say about WeTransform!

Meet Jasmin

Down 115lbs!

“Before this program, I was absolutely miserable, the heaviest I have ever been. I did lose weight before but I hated the process it was a joyless journey. One of the things that clicked the most working with Whitney & Tameika was giving emphasis they put on strengthening your mental game, all of the work they do on the mental side was mind-blowing.” My biggest takeaways from this program are the practicality of meal prep and learning to love myself exactly where I am, you have to love yourself now enough to give your future self a better life - this made all the difference!

I am feeling better than I have ever felt in my entire life! I will not be where I am today, I highly recommend this program for anyone who is looking for a holistic lifestyle change for the better.”


Lost 47lbs!

“Finding the right words to describe what finding this program has meant in my life is difficult. I have struggled with my weight for 20 years. I have tried every program, every diet and every “magic” diet pill including prescription weight loss medication. I would lose a little bit of weight and gain it right back. I was always starving, had little to no energy and felt miserable. I was convinced that I just couldn’t lose weight. After getting to my highest weight ever I was in a constant state of depression and so frustrated and had started to seriously consider having weight loss surgery. In reality, I had just given up on myself.

Since joining this program I have lost 47.5 pounds in just 4 months!! With no restricting, no weighing and measuring food or calorie counting. I did it in a sustainable way by building habits, fueling my body and daily movement. I now have so much confidence and most of all I believe in myself. I did what I thought was impossible for me.This program has changed my life and I’m looking forward to seeing what else I can accomplish in my health journey and I’m super proud to be a tribe member for life!!”


Lost 35.2 lbs and 24.5 inches!


Lost 35lbs and 30 inches!


Lost 33lbs!

meet Erica

Lost 32.9lbs and 16.25 inches!

“I have tried every weight loss program out there and even had weight loss surgery.  None of it stuck or was successful long term.  But this program is so effective!  By committing to and building upon small simple habits on a weekly basis, I have finally been successful.  I have been more consistent and made more changes in my life than I ever thought possible.  I move my body everyday and even when I don’t, I’m thinking about it and trying to figure out how to get it in.  The changes have been tremendous for me and I know I will continue to progress as I continue after this program.  I cannot tell you how incredible this program has been for me.  It has been the best investment in my health and wellness.”


Lost 30lbs!

“WeTransform had an incredible impact on my life. Not only have I lost a significant amount of weight, I have also developed confidence that I can continue to become the healthy version of myself that I’ve envisioned. After a challenging pregnancy with my twins that left me with a number of health concerns, I knew that it would take me and my body some time to recover. WeTransform has shown me that the body truly is able and has allowed me to surprise myself in the best ways. I’m grateful to this program for its habit building and whole-person approach to health. This experience has been a springboard for my body, mind and spirit. Thank you!”

meet SaraH

Lost 30lbs!

“The WeTransform program changed my life. I lost 30 lbs on this program and even more importantly, I was able to improve my A1C results dramatically. I am not only much healthier and happier, I have also been given the tools and support to continue my journey and make it stick. I have tried every diet and fitness program in the book, and I have always fallen off the wagon and felt hopeless in the end. Now I feel incredibly positive that I CAN do it, and keep going. I am so grateful to Tameika and Whitney for all of their support and for the community they have created. I would recommend this program to anyone who wants to be their best, happiest self!”

meet TIGRE

Down 29.6lbs and 18.75 inches!

meet Khadija

Down 27 lbs and 20.7 inches!

“Before working with Coach Whitney and Coach Tameika, I was in search of myself, a year time was approaching after having my baby, and I felt like I couldn’t find myself, I could not lose the weight I’d gained during my pregnancy, I was tired all the time and I just didn’t have a plan to achieve my weight loss goals. 

In the past, I had joined gyms, but never really went, trained with several groups but gave up eventually, and even ran 3 miles daily for a few months but never really saw physical results.  My fitness journey before was like everyone else’s, always trying a new fad, non-consistent workouts, all-or-nothing mentality, reaching for perfectionism, etc.  Nothing seemed to stick, and I knew that if this time was going to be different, I needed some help. Since making the commitment to join this group, these ladies have helped me to discover a new self, not that the old self was bad, however, this is a new level of self that I had no idea existed or thought possible to obtain. My tangible and intangible goals for this program included gaining more energy, losing 40 pounds, learning how to meal prep successfully, and getting back to running 3 miles daily.

This program has taught me SELF GRACE, VALUE, REFLECTION, and EQUANIMITY! I’ve learned the importance of daily meditation, having a plan and implementing small habits. These habits have guided and built me up to successfully execute my holistic goals and continue the journey for a lifetime.  I’ve also learned that consistency will get you further than perfectionism, and having a community of supportive women with similar goals will lift you up on your down days; Not to stay down for too long, get back up quickly, dwell briefly, allow yourself grace, and refocus on the goal. Mentally this program assisted me with new solutions and thoughts and has created a stronger mindset that now lifts me up through gratitude and meditation.  I’ve also learned that Rest is work and very important on this journey. I’m very grateful to have found this program, life-changing! I am happy to report that I’ve lost 27lbs, gained a new level of energy, implemented a meal prep plan that works for me, and revised my goal of running 3 miles daily to consistent daily movement of at least 30 minutes, which was more sustainable for my wellness goals today.“

meet Gina

Down 27 lbs and 18 inches!

Before joining WeTransform, I tried many types of "diets", joined different types of gyms (OrangeTheory, F45, a regular gym) and nothing seemed to work.  I workout so hard at the gym, try to eat relatively clean and the scale wasn't moving, I was constantly sluggish, and lacked vitality. During my time at WeTransform, I was able to lose a substantial amount of weight within the 16 weeks, create sustainable habits, and educate me on living my happiest and healthiest self.  It helped me gain self confidence and feel more comfortable in my skin and the clothes that I wear. I have way more energy while playing with my kids and do not have that 3:00pm sluggish rut.  The added bonus was having a support system behind you when going through this program.  You have life coaches, a nutritionist, a therapist, a trainer and a tribe full of women going through the same journey. Without that type of support, I know I would not have achieved what I have today.”

meet Susan

Down 26.7lbs and 22.75 inches!

“This program equipped me with the tools I needed to firstly be mentally ready.  It helped me address the WHY I deserve to be a whole and complete healthy person with purpose.  It showed me how I showed up for others but lacked the commitment for myself.  It gave me perspective and hope that I can do better and cast a vote for me all while giving from the authentic and true self.  The me that says I must protect my peace and create boundaries in order to not just survive but thrive. This has been the best decision I’ve ever made for myself, and I am honored to be a tribe member.”

meet T’omi

Down 26.6lbs ans 28 inches!

meet Yvette

Down 24.2 lbs and 25 inches!

“The program has been life changing. It all began with developing a mindset which included giving myself grace to not be perfect but consistent. For me, having everything within one program was the selling feature. I’ve tried every diet under the Sun including keto, WW, macro coaches, different trainers and each with their own concept of what to do which is confusing. Here, all of the coaches worked seamlessly together. I enjoyed the systematic approach of gradually introducing habits. Most programs throw everything at you at once and it’s overwhelming and leads to quitting. I’ve appreciated the education provided for adopting each new healthy habit. During my 16 weeks on the program I’ve lost 24 pounds and shaved 24 inches from my body. I sleep better and have more energy than I have had in years. The habits gained have created a sustainable healthy lifestyle. If I had to choose a program, it would be WeTransform over and over again. I’m worth it!!!”

meet Gena

Down 23lbs and 22.5 inches!

meet Ruth

Down 22lbs and 15.5 inches!

“I came across Wetransform online and decided to speak with Whitney to learn more. I made the investment and signed up for the 16 week program, eager and excited to do something that could helpme get on track to changing my life. Now I’m at the end of 16 weeks and I lost 22lbs. I learned great habits and wellness tips to help me for the rest of my journey! If you are someone who strives in group settings and loves to share your journey with others then this may be the program for you.”

meet vanessa

Down 22 lbs

“I never liked working out and was full of excuses as to why I couldn’t commit to losing weight. I am a mother of 3 boys, who works full time, and always put everyone and everything ahead of myself. Eating takeout/fast food came naturally to me, I was tired of being tired until I met Tameika and their program.

My meal plans were set out (so no more excuses) I had accountability partners so I definitely couldn’t let someone else down, and I actually put myself first for the first time in a very long time. I learned that eating healthy was actually yummy and running intervals never felt so good. With being consistent I lost 22lbs in 90 days. YES…22Lbs. If you are truly tired of being tired like I was and need a push to live your best life, I highly recommend reaching out to Tameika and joining this program. You will receive the results you want as long as you are consistent and truly putting yourself first.”

meet Taylor

Down 22 lbs and 10.4 inches!

meet felicia

Down 21.6lbs and 28 inches!

meet elise

Down 21lbs!

Meet Rachel

Lost 20.6 lbs and 21.5 inches

“Four months ago, I reached out to Tameika, somewhat desperate for help with losing weight.  I had lost weight in the past, but never learned how to develop a lifestyle that allowed me to maintain that weight loss.  Of course I knew to exercise and eat right, but didn’t understand specifically what to do and why.  Four months later, I’m down 20 pounds and 25 inches, and most importantly have the knowledge and tools to continue to lose weight, if I choose to, and maintain the weight that I’ve lost.  I’ve learned not only what to do, but how to think about myself and speak to myself in a way that is positive, encouraging, and forgiving.”

meet kristalyn

Down 20.3 lbs and 25.5 inches!

meet charlita

Lost 18.5 inches!


Lost 16.8 lbs and 18.3 inches!

“This program has literally changed my life. I have been battling with my weight for 7 years. But it felt like a battle against myself. For 7 years I tried so many different weight loss programs, spent so much money on things that didn’t work or it just wasn’t sustainable. It was a constant up and down and everytime I gained the weight back it just validated my feelings of failure and shame. I’ve followed Tameika for a while on IG and one day after I had received concerning blood work back from my doctor I knew I needed help or rather I needed to find it in me to ask for help because clearly I couldn’t do this by myself.  That night I just broke down, I felt horrible, it hurts to say but I hated myself. So naturally to distract myself I opened up IG to mindlessly scroll and was instantly greeted with Tameika’s shining face and a post about her journey. I took it as a sign and so I filled out an application and the rest is history. Here I am 4 months later, and I can honestly  say that I’m a completely different woman in the best way possible. This program is so much more than just weight loss. It’s the start of a healing journey,  for body, mind and soul. This experience showed me that I owe it to myself to do all the things I’ve dreamed of. During this time I gave myself permission to put my goals at the top of my priorities, I’ve learned to protect my peace, and most of all I’ve learned to trust myself again because everyday I am keeping the promises that I made to myself. The only thing I regret is not asking for help sooner. My program is over but my life is just beginning, and I will forever be thankful to Coaches Tameika, Whitney, and Azel and all the wonderful, strong women in the WeTransform community.”


Lost 16 lbs and 19 inches!

“This program has changed my life to say the least…

Before this journey, I was on a healthy lifestyle and yo-yo diet rollercoaster.I would be committed for a few weeks and then I would fall off or lose interest.I was the queen of starting over on Mondays, the first of the month, and of course every January 1st.

Through this program, I have built sustainable daily healthy habits.  I have gained consistency in my life where I show-up for myself every day.  Building a strong foundation of habits was key in changing my mindset!  I now have the tools that will carry me through in achieving my goals.  The change in me mentally made all the difference and the weight loss became a bonus.”


Down 15.8 lbs and 18.85 inches!

meet Kristi

Down 15.2 lbs and 18.5 inches!

meet N’digo

Down 15lbs and 9.5 inches!

meet Amanda

Down 13.8lbs and 35 inches!

“This program has literally changed my life. I have been battling with my weight for 7 years. But it felt like a battle against myself. For 7 years I tried so many different weight loss programs, spent so much money on things that didn’t work or it just wasn’t sustainable. It was a constant up and down and everytime I gained the weight back it just validated my feelings of failure and shame. I’ve followed Tameika for a while on IG and one day after I had received concerning blood work back from my doctor I knew I needed help or rather I needed to find it in me to ask for help because clearly I couldn’t do this by myself.  That night I just broke down, I felt horrible, it hurts to say but I hated myself. So naturally to distract myself I opened up IG to mindlessly scroll and was instantly greeted with Tameika’s shining face and a post about her journey. I took it as a sign and so I filled out an application and the rest is history. Here I am 4 months later, and I can honestly  say that I’m a completely different woman in the best way possible. This program is so much more than just weight loss. It’s the start of a healing journey,  for body, mind and soul. This experience showed me that I owe it to myself to do all the things I’ve dreamed of. During this time I gave myself permission to put my goals at the top of my priorities, I’ve learned to protect my peace, and most of all I’ve learned to trust myself again because everyday I am keeping the promises that I made to myself. The only thing I regret is not asking for help sooner. My program is over but my life is just beginning, and I will forever be thankful to Coaches Tameika, Whitney, and Azel and all the wonderful, strong women in the WeTransform community.”

meet Solange

Lost 13.6 lbs and 22.5 inches!

meet whitney H.

Lost 12lbs and 16 inches!

meet stephanie

Down 10.8 lbs and 23 inches!

meet Jess

Down 10lbs and 24.5 inches!

meet bria

Lost 10lbs and 22.5 inches!

“I’ve tried every diet out there. I’ve also hired personal trainers for the past 13 years and no one could transform my mind like this program has. I was convinced I could only be fit if my life was dedicated to working out. I feel like healthy eating and healthy moving is now a part of my everyday routine without me having to be a professional fitness trainer! After being in this program, I am confident that I can live my normal life while having a healthy body and a healthy lifestyle. WeTransform has completely turned around my food & health anxiety to where thoughts about food don’t consume my every day thoughts. I also learned so much about the importance of routine and sleep and how it contributes to long lasting results. WeTransform is the most effective health program I’ve ever done.”

Meet Bobbi

“This program changed my life. I think differently, I approach challenges differently. This program helped me reduce my risk of diabetes – my A1C and fasting insulin dropped significantly, my fasting glucose dropped so much I’m no longer anywhere near the “at risk” category and am happily in the normal range. My liver numbers have decreased to a healthy normal level and my cholesterol came down. My cortisol is back to normal. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!”

Meet anusha

Down 10 inches!

meet Sandy

Down 9lbs and 15 inches!

meet Kara

“I’ve been overweight my entire life and have always felt an unbearable sense of shame surrounding my body. This led to years and years of guilt, binging, and restricting. It’s exhausting. It’s lonely. no matter how healthy i ate, how much i worked out, or whatever technique i tried, nothing stuck. Sometimes I’d lose a little weight, but it almost always came back (and made the next effort feel even harder). It felt like a punishment that I was supposed to deal with in secret and suddenly emerge as a new, fit person while I continued to hate myself along the way. When I did lose any weight, I never found myself hating my body any less.

After feeling particularly down on myself, I completed the wetransform application, figuring I’d probably never hear back. I live with several chronic illnesses and don’t eat meat, and I wasn’t sure either of those would be too difficult to accommodate. Tameika sent me several thoughtful, personal emails where we chatted about if the program was a good fit for me. Soon after, I met Whitney and was blown away with how connected and supported I felt immediately. I decided to make the investment in myself and was welcomed into a wonderful group of women who really /got/ it…and got me. For the next 4 months, I had a 24/7 hotline of caring, passionate, and inspiring women around me. I had professionals at my disposal for therapy, nutrition, fitness, mindset work, and accountability. I had an easy to follow system that’s proven to work without leaving me burnt out and feeling worse than when I started. I still have a long way to go, but I feel a calm confidence about getting there that I haven’t had on any of my past wellness journeys. wetransform taught me that challenging myself, prioritizing rest, and forgiving myself are equally important in this journey. This phase is a mere 16 weeks (that FLEW by), but this system is for life.”

meet donna

“I am beyond grateful for Whitney & Tameika’s guidance throughout my health and wellness journey. Through this program, I am able to work, grow, and reflect on all aspects of ME.

Their program encompasses a whole person from their mental, physical, emotional, behavioral, social, and spiritual aspects creating a more balanced lifestyle and a deeper understanding of SELF.

I feel whole, I feel so Alive and I feel healthy.

I love you, G girls and I’m in love with your program.

Thanks for creating such a beautiful space for all women.”



meet AKEIA

“I needed a program that would give me the tools to make a lifestyle change because I was tired of starting over. This 4-week program provided a solid start. I learned consistency in all aspects (mental, physical, emotional) was key and I had someone I could reach out to any time. I learned to make healthier versions of the meals I enjoyed and how to incorporate weights and yoga into my routine. The program took me out of my comfort zone and truly challenged me to change my thoughts on weight loss. All of this remotely! My past weight loss journeys left me feeling defeated however when I experienced this new approach I found it easier to stick with and I never felt I was giving anything up. There are no quick fixes here. Long-term practices mean never starting over.”

meet jameica perez

“The biggest takeaway is that I have a new relationship with myself. I learned how to make myself a priority while still serving and supporting my family and taking care of other responsibilities.

I loved the mindset lessons and connecting with the group. I learned so much from both. These were the missing pieces of a successful plan for me. The weekly lessons opened my perspective and challenged my unsupportive way of thinking. Connecting with a group of like-minded women helped me identify negative beliefs that were derailing me and it gave me the much-needed support that was lacking in my life. I love that I now have a community to grow with.

To someone who is deciding… I say do it! You will not be disappointed. Tameika’s and Whitney’s approach will blow your mind and give you the tools to live a healthy and fulfilling lifestyle. I love it and I know you will too!”

meet jade

“This program has afforded me a safe, beautiful, and exciting space where I, along with numerous other women, can be vulnerable about our health journey. Together, this tribe of strong, diverse, and immensely talented women celebrate our highs and lows together with compassion and grace! The coaches, Whitney and Tameika, are extremely knowledgeable, fun, and beautiful souls who understand the challenges we face every day regarding our health and fitness journey. Our coaches understand because they too have fallen and gotten right back up with their health and fitness journey (they still fall sometimes and they share that with our tribe, how amazing is that??!!!) When I think about my coaches, who I genuinely call my friends, my heart smiles and I feel good! Belonging to this program has added so much joy and consistency to my life! There’s a plethora of informative workshops/motivational group posts, monthly tribe talks, strength and yoga videos, monthly recipe books, meal plans(suggested of course), and fitness challenges that all serve the three M’s: Movement, Mindfulness, and Meals. Physically and mentally I have grown so much from this program and sisterhood (hello muscles and a healthier mind)!! I have gained so many new sisters since joining and I am forever grateful to Whitney and Tameika for creating this enriching and loving space!!”

meet nina

“My goal was a complete transformation and consistent evolution.  When I reached out for coaching, I wanted you to help me change long-term,  and YOU did. For me, the real transformation happened after the program, and 1 year later I am consistently losing weight and showing up for myself.

The key to success is the mindset shift it provided. I’ve shifted from external accountability to internal accountability. Even when my regimen is not perfect, I refocus on my goals and sharpen my tools. I have been transformed.”


“I needed a kick start on my health journey and didn’t know how to begin and the Whole Experience gave me exactly that! It gives you the boost you need; everything is laid out for you so that there really isn’t any guessing game and there are no excuses for you not to follow the plan. Along the way, I learned about nutrition – in a simplified way that makes sense – and I learned what I need to do in terms of regular movement. I lost weight and inches over the program and have learned tools that I’ve continued to apply. And, truthfully, I’m actually the healthiest that I have been in a long time and Whitney and Tameika made it so easy to get there! “

meet wendy

meet safia

meet BRaNDI


“I really appreciated the balanced approach to a healthy lifestyle that the program took! It didn’t pretend that you’d have six-pack abs in two weeks or would suddenly love eating vegetables all the time – because I definitely didn’t. Instead, the program gave me a good basic foundation to incorporate into my admittedly hectic lifestyle. Eating nutritious foods and remaining active surprisingly isn’t that hard when you actually start doing it. Since the end of the program, I have run two 5Ks, have taken up a ton of fitness challenges, and have transitioned to an almost fully Mediterranean-style diet. I’m really glad that the program let me deconstruct some unhealthy habits I had picked up over years and really focus on the true meaning of wellness – being the best self I could be, physically, mentally, and emotionally.”

meet Rondette amoy

“This program was the first I’ve ever fully invested in and couldn’t be more pleased that I did! Typically, I’m a bit intimated by wellness programs (especially if they’re virtual)…always worried that I won’t be able to stay disciplined or that I’ll do an exercise incorrectly, but this program was all about support, pacing myself, and incorporating a truly holistic approach to my wellness. Whether it was strength training with TameikaG, reciting daily affirmations, making time for meditation, or gentle yoga with Whitney – I just knew each time I tapped in that I was working towards a sustainable habit and ultimate commitment to enhancing my mind, body, and overall well-being. Thank you for making this journey so special, attainable, and sustainable, the Whole Experience! Your program is truly one of a kind!”

meet bee

“This program restored energy that I had not experienced in years. It offered recipes that were simple, easy to follow, and specified to my particular diet. More importantly, it did not feel like a diet. I ate pizza, burgers, fries, and French toast to name a few :). I found that to be very important for sustainability in that I didn’t want another diet, but a lifestyle change that I would be able to continue long after the program was over. In terms of exercise, I liked that the program built-in my favorite exercises(e.g. Zumba, spinning, etc.) and incorporated much-needed weight training. The program was simple and easy to follow which was/is important to me along this journey. Overall, I learned balance and truly enjoyed the simplicity, sustainability, and how realistic the program was.”

meet kakra

meet tanya

meet Paula

meet esther milani

“When I started the Program with the Whole Experience I was looking for something to help me find a sustainable and manageable workout program that fit my needs. What I found was so much more. I found the most amazing accountability partner, approachable workouts that energized me instead of making me feel exhausted. I found a community of heart-centered women. Over the past few months, I’ve noticed a huge change in my approach to mindful eating. I’ve developed a daily 10k steps walking habit. And I have felt more energized throughout my day. I am so grateful for the gentle yet firm coaches, Tameika & Whitney, and the amazing program they have developed and offered. It is such a healing experience to honor and love on the body and they have given me the tools to do this in a way that feels right for me!”

meet krystle

meet Fran

meet NIKKI

“The program is an amazing program. It really does so much more than help you lose weight. It helps so much mentally!

I’ve tried all kinds of diet programs, and this is not that. This is a life program. The things you learn here are life lessons, skills and good habits. Not a quick fad diet. After this program, you will never need another! WeTransform is the real deal!”

meet browyn anderson

“I participated in a 21-day workshop with Tameika and Whitney and I really enjoyed the information and insight provided during that time. Tameika and Whitney are both naturally positive and passionate, and their enthusiasm easily conveys through the ‘computer screen.’ I was immediately inspired to learn all I could from their experiences and energized to make changes to my daily lifestyle. The videos (yoga, meditation, exercise) were easy to follow and had enough content to feel I was progressing during the workshop. Both Tameika and Whitney provide recommendations (books, podcasts) that are complementary to their message. I have since purchased one of the books (Atomic Habits) and loved that it helped me make further changes in my search for a healthier lifestyle. Focusing on Mind/Meals/Movement (equally!) is a great way to create a plan that is achievable and can be maintained. For me, the best part of the experience was the weekly call session with Tameika and Whitney in attendance. They share valuable information from their experience and welcome specific questions from those attending the workshop. Tameika and Whitney take the time to thoroughly explain their answers using their vast experience, it is very helpful! Overall, I would highly recommend spending time with Tameika and Whitney as coaches in the pursuit of a healthier lifestyle. Get ready to be inspired and make regular, achievable changes to your life that will have a lasting impact!”

meet Rita lwanga

meet sherene

“So I wanted to share with you my journey. The weight crept up (once again) this time I was unhappy but unmotivated.  I knew the work I had to put in and didn’t have the energy mentally or physically to start. I didn’t even believe that I could do it, I have struggled with weight for so long that it is who I am. So then COVID happened and I started to lose my marbles. I was going to have a nervous breakdown. So I looked at guided meditation after remembering one of your videos. Then the next day I did beginner yoga. I started to feel good mentally. Then I dusted off the 4-week challenge I did with you years ago and gave it a shot. I don’t know how your ears didn’t burn because I cussed you, “she is crazy, who does she think she is, how has it no one has died”. The first I wanted to throw in the towel and embrace my fat. Then you had a video about 10% and making small changes every day. I have just completed week 4 and I feel good! I have seen some positive changes.

I continue to move even when I don’t feel like it, through injury just some movement so that I don’t fall back into old habits. Continue to do what you do. You are truly a beacon of light for many of us. Reflecting on our coaching, you are compassionate and kind BUT A FORCE. You truly have a heart for helping, healing, and empowering. I am grateful to have to opportunity to know you. Thank you for my fresh start again!”

meet nausheen

meet eman

meet farrah


meet phyllis marcus

meet Kate

meet shana-kay wright

“This program is delicately designed but powerfully effective at providing a set of tools to use along your health and wellness journey. I thoroughly enjoyed the fact that each new task was thoughtfully integrated and the weekly lessons packed a punch but did not feel overwhelming. I did not know I needed it at the time but the tribe element of the group was so empowering and I have built some long-lasting friendships and accountability partners along the way. Whether you are looking for interesting meal plans and recipes, accessible workouts, meditations, mindset healing, etc, I believe that this program will allow you to find the missing element that will be the game changer in your journey.”

meet aMENA

“I highly recommend The Whole Experience. Whitney and Tameika have all the tools you need to address your mindset, workouts, and food choices. They are very supportive, and nurturing, always encouraging you and cheering you on. They help you go at your own pace and decide what works best for you.”

meet CHRISHAN wright

“The Whole Experience has been a godsend. Having the coaches, my accountability partner, Esther, and the extended community of women, I feel supported along this journey of transformation.  Since I live in the Northeast and it was cold in January, followed by a series of massive snowstorms, I focused on nailing the food…increasing my protein intake, drinking more water, adding more fresh fruits and vegetables and getting familiar with the virtual studio. Once the weather began to move above freezing in March, I purchased an Apple Watch and started pounding the pavement…averaging about 10k steps a day. Later in March, I incorporated assisted stretching to increase my flexibility and stave off injury. In April, I began going to the gym several times a week to strength train.

Fast forward to today, I am averaging about 8k-10K steps per week, down 13 lbs, and seeing the physical changes in my body. As of last Friday, we are able to use the gym without mask-wearing which has helped. I look forward to working out and also see the mental changes in my mood. I make the time to work out each day and when the weather doesn’t cooperate (too hot, rain etc), I plan ahead to figure out how to stay true to my goal.

Today I fit into a pair of jeans I haven’t been able to fit into for over 2 years.

I am truly grateful for this program and I look forward to reaching my goal and sharing updated pics. “

meet chrishan wright

“The Whole Experience has been a godsend. Having the coaches, my accountability partner, Esther, and the extended community of women, I feel supported along this journey of transformation.  Since I live in the Northeast and it was cold in January, followed by a series of massive snowstorms, I focused on nailing the food…increasing my protein intake, drinking more water, adding more fresh fruits and vegetables, and getting familiar with the virtual studio. Once the weather began to move above freezing in March, I purchased an Apple Watch and started pounding the pavement…averaging about 10k steps a day. Later in March, I incorporated assisted stretching to increase my flexibility and stave off injury. In April, I began going to the gym several times a week to strength train.

Fast forward to today, I am averaging about 8k-10K steps per week, down 13 lbs, and seeing the physical changes in my body. As of last Friday, we are able to use the gym without mask-wearing which has helped. I look forward to working out and also seeing the mental changes in my mood. I make the time to work out each day and when the weather doesn’t cooperate (too hot, rain,y etc), I plan ahead to figure out how to stay true to my goal.  

Today I fit into a pair of jeans I haven’t been able to fit into for over 2 years.

I am truly grateful for this program and I look forward to reaching my goal and sharing updated pics. “